Mission Training Plan for U.S. Army Bands — ARTEP 12-113-MTP

Date Published: 3 May 2001

Categories: Combat Service Support, US Army

The purpose of this MTP is to provide a descriptive, performance-oriented training guide to assist leaders in training their units. This MTP contains tasks that support the unit's mission, as outlined in doctrinal manuals. Band commanders must analyze their METL to identify unit training requirements. Once unit training requirements have been determined, choose collective tasks from this MTP to support the training requirements. Task standards in this publication are the Army's standards for executing those tasks. Standards for training may be made more difficult but may not be lowered. Bands must be provided time to recover critical individual and collective muscle strength and endurance, dexterity, and mental skills following any cessation or interruption of technical training. This MTP is in full alignment with, and is part of the United States Army's training and tactical doctrine.